perm filename REFS.PUB[L70,TES] blob sn#049168 filedate 1973-06-13 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00100	.ARTICLE(ABRAHAMS_LISP2, |Abrahams, P. W. et al|,
00200	.The LISP 2 Programming Language and System,
00300	.|≤Proc. AFIPS FJCC 29≥ (1966), 661-676|)
00400	.
00500	.ARTICLE(BOBROW_CONTROL, |Bobrow, D. G. and Wegbreit, B.|,
00600	.A Model and Stack Implementation of Multiple Environments,
00700	.|Report No. 2334 (March#1972), Bolt, Beranek, and Newman|)
00800	.
01000	.Requirements for Advanced Programming Systems for List Processing,
01100	.|≤Comm.#ACM 15≥, 7 (July#1972), 618-627|)
01200	.
01300	.ARTICLE(BROWN_LOWL, |Brown, P. J.|, Levels of Language for Portable Software,
01400	.|≤Comm.#ACM 15≥, 12 (Dec.#1972), 1059-1062|)
01500	.
01600	.BOOK(BURSTALL_POP2, |Burstall, R.M., Collins, J.S. and Popplestone, R.J.|,
01700	.Programming in Pop-2,
01800	.|University Press, Edinburg, Scotland (1971), 279-282|)
01900	.
02000	.BOOK(CHRISTENSEN_EXT, |Christensen, C. and Shaw, C. J.|,
02100	.Proceedings of the Extensible Languages Symposium,
02200	.|≤ACM SIGPLAN 4≥, 8 (Aug.#1969)|)
02300	.
02400	.ARTICLE(COLBY_DOC, |Colby, K. M. and Enea, H.|,
02500	.|Heuristic Methods for Computer Understanding of Natural Language in Context
02600	. Restricted On-Line Dialogues|,
02700	.|≤Math. Biosciences 1≥ (1967), 1-25|)
02800	.
02900	.ARTICLE(COLBY_WATT, |Colby, K. M., Watt, J., and Gilbert, J. P.|,
03000	.A Computer Method of Psychotherapy,
03100	.|≤J. of Nervous and Mental Disease 142≥ (1966), 148-152|)
03200	.
03300	.ARTICLE(DICKMAN_ETC, |Dickman, B. N.|, |ETC: An Extensible Macro Based Compiler|,
03400	.|≤Proc. AFIPS SJCC 38≥ (1971), 529-538|)
03500	.
03600	.ARTICLE(DUBY_EXT, |Duby, J. J.|,
03700	.Extensible Languages: A Potential User's Point of View,
03800	.|in [λREF SCHUMAN_EXT}], pp.137-140|)
03900	.
04000	.ARTICLE(ENEA_IDIOLECT, |Enea, H., Colby, K. M., and Moravec, H.|,
04100	.Idiolectic Language-Analysis for Understanding Doctor-Patient Dialogues,
04200	.|(in this proceedings)|)
04300	.
04400	.ARTICLE(ENEA_INTEGRATE, |Enea, H., and Tesler, L.|, INTEGRATE,
04500	.|Unpublished Stanford University Class Project (1964)|)
04600	.
04700	.ARTICLE(ENEA_MLISP, |Enea, H.|, |MLISP (IBM 360/67)|,
04800	.|Computer Science Technical Report CS 92 (1968), Stanford University|)
04900	.
05000	.BOOK(FIKES_BACK, |Fikes, R.E.|,
05100	.A Heuristic Program for Solving Problems Stated as Nondeterministic Procedures,
05200	.|PH.D. Thesis (1968), Carnegie-Mellon University|)
05300	.
05400	.ARTICLE(FLOYD_BACK, |Floyd, R. W.|, Nondeterministic Algorithms,
05500	.|≤J.#ACM 14≥, 4 (Oct.#1967), 636-644|)
05600	.
05700	.ARTICLE(GOLOMB_BACK, |Golomb, S. W. and Baumert, L. D.|,
05800	.Backtrack Programming,
05900	.|≤J.#ACM 12≥, 4 (Oct. 1965), 516-524|)
06000	.
06100	.ARTICLE(GUZMAN_CONVERT, |Guzman, A., and McIntosh, H. V.|, CONVERT,
06200	.|≤Comm.#ACM 9≥, 8 (Aug. 1966), 604-615|)
06300	.
06400	.BOOK(HEWITT_THESIS, |Hewitt, C.|,
06500	.|PLANNER: A Language for Manipulating Models and Proving Theorems in a Robot|,
06600	.|Ph.D. Thesis (Feb 1971), MIT|)
06700	.
06800	.ARTICLE(HEWITT_PLANNER, |Hewitt, C.|, Procedural Embedding of Knowledge in PLANNER,
06900	.|≤Proc. IJCAI 2≥ (1971), 167-182|)
07000	.
07100	.ARTICLE(KAY_LISP, |Kay, A.|, Working Notes on the ARPA List Machine,
07200	.|Informal Memo (Feb. 1971)|)
07300	.
07400	.ARTICLE(KAY_FLEX, |Kay, A.|,
07500	.|FLEX, A Flexible Extendible Language|,
07600	.|CS Tech. Report (1968), U. of Utah|)
07700	.
07800	.ARTICLE(LANDIN_ISWIM, |Landin, P. J.|, The Next 700 Programming Languages,
07900	.|≤Comm. ACM 9≥, 3 (March#1966), 157-166|)
08000	.
08200	.Definition of Quasi-Parallel Control Functions in a High-Level Language,
08300	.|≤Proc. Int'l. Comp. Symp.≥ (Bonn,#1970)|)
08400	.
08500	.ARTICLE(MCCARTHY_LISP, |McCarthy, J.|,
08600	.|Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and their Computation by
08700	. Machine, Part I|, |≤Comm.#ACM 3≥, 4 (April#1960), 184-195|)
08800	.
08900	.BOOK(MCCARTHY_LISP15, |McCarthy, J. et al|,
09000	.LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual, |MIT Press, 1962|)
09100	.
09200	.ARTICLE(MCILROY_EXT, |McIlroy, M. Douglas|,
09300	.|Macro Instruction Extension of Compiler Languages|,
09400	.|≤Comm.#ACM 3≥, 4 (April#1960), 214-220|)
09500	.
09600	.ARTICLE(MICHIE_MEMO, |Michie, D.|,
09700	.Memo Functions: a Language Feature with Rote-Learning Properties,
09800	.|≤Proc. IFIP≥ (1968), Edinburgh|)
09900	.
10000	.ARTICLE(MILNER_LCF, |Milner, R.|,
10100	.|Logic for Computable Functions, Description of a Machine Implementation|,
10200	.|AI Memo 169, Stanford University, 1972|)
10300	.
10400	.BOOK(MITCHELL_THESIS, |Mitchell, J.|,
10500	.|The Design and Construction of Flexible and Efficient
10600	. Interactive Programming Systems|,
10700	.|PhD. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, June 1970|)
10800	.
10900	.ARTICLE(PRENNER_BACK, |Prenner, C.J., Spitzen, J.M., and Wegbreit, B.|,
11000	.An Implementation of Backtracking for Programming Languages",
11100	.|≤ACM SIGPLAN Notices 7≥, 11 (Nov. 1972), 36-44|)
11200	.
11300	.BOOK(QUAM_LISP16, |Quam, L.H. and Diffie, W.|,
11400	.Stanford LISP 1.6 Manual,
11500	.|AI Operating Note 28.7 (rev. 1972), Stanford University|)
11600	.
11700	.BOOK(RULIFSON_QA4, |Rulifson, J. F., Waldinger, R. J., and Derksen, J. A.|,
11800	.|QA4, A Language for Writing Problem-Solving Programs|,
11900	.|≤Proc. IFIP≥ (1968), TA-2, 111-115|)
12000	.
12100	.ARTICLE(SCHUMAN_EXT, |Schuman, S., ed.|,
12200	.Proceedings of the International Symposium on Extensible Languages,
12300	.|≤ACM SIGPLAN Notices 6≥, 12 (Dec.#1971)|)
12400	.
12500	.ARTICLE(SMITH_BACK, |Smith, D. and Enea, H.|,
12600	.Backtracking in MLISP2,
12700	.|(in this proceedings)|)
12800	.
12900	.ARTICLE(SMITH_EXT, |Smith, D. and Enea, H.|,
13000	.MLISP2 -- A Programming Language for Writing and Debugging Translators,
13100	.|(forthcoming)|)
13200	.
13300	.ARTICLE(SMITH_MLISP, |Smith, D.|, |MLISP (PDP-10)|,
13400	.|Artificial Intelligence Memo No. 135, Stanford University, Oct. 1970|)
13500	.
13600	.BOOK(SMITH_MLISP2, |Smith, D.C. and Enea, H.J.|,
13700	.MLISP2 Manual,
13800	.|Artificial Intelligence Memo No. 195, Stanford University, June 1973|)
13900	.
14000	.ARTICLE(SCOWEN_BABEL, |Scowen, R. S.|, An Application of Extensible Compilers,
14100	.|in [λREF SYMPOSIUM}], pp.1-7|)
14200	.
14300	.ARTICLE(SUSSMAN_CONNIVER, |Sussman, G. J. and McDermott, D. V.|,
14400	.Why Conniving is Better than Planning,
14500	.|≤Proc. AFIPS FJCC 41≥ (1972), 1171-1180|)
14600	.
14700	.BOOK(SUSSMAN_MICRO, |Sussman, G. J. and Winograd, T.|,
14800	.Micro-Planner Reference Manual,
14900	.|AI Memo 203 (July#1970), MIT|)
15000	.
15100	.BOOK(TEITELMAN_BBNLISP, |Teitelman, W. et al|,
15200	.BBN-LISP Reference Manual,
15300	.|(July#1971), Bolt, Beranek, and Newman|)
15400	.
15500	.ARTICLE(TEITELMAN_DWIM, |Teitelman, W.|,
15600	.Toward a Programming Laboratory,
15700	.|≤Proc. IJCAI 1≥ (1969), 1-8|)
15800	.
15900	.BOOK(TEITELMAN_FLIP, |Teitelman, W.|,
16000	.|Design and Implementation of FLIP, a LISP Format Directed List Processor|,
16100	.|Scientific Report No. 10 (July#1967), Bolt, Beranek, and Newman|)
16200	.
16300	.ARTICLE(TESLER_COMPEL, |Tesler, L. and Enea, H.|, A Language Design for Concurrent Processes,
16400	.|≤Proc. AFIPS SJCC 32≥ (1968), 403-408|)
16500	.
16600	.ARTICLE(TESLER_REWRITES, |Tesler, L., Enea, H., and Smith, D.|,
16700	.The LISP70 Pattern Matching System,
16800	.|(in this proceedings)|)
16900	.
17000	.ARTICLE(WEGNER_STRUCTURE, |Wegner, P.|, Information Structure Models,
17100	.|Proc.#SIGPLAN Symp. on Data Structures in Prog. Lang., ≤ACM Sigplan Notices 6≥
17200	. (Feb.#1971), 1-54|)
17300	.
17400	.ARTICLE(WEGBREIT_ECL, |Wegbreit, B.|, The ECL Programming System,
17500	.|≤Proc. AFIPS FJCC 39≥ (1971), 253-262|)
17600	.
17700	.ARTICLE(WEIZENBAUM_ELIZA, |Weizenbaum, J.|,
17800	.|ELIZA -- A computer Program for the Study of Natural Communication Between
17900	. Man and Machine", ≤Comm. ACM 9≥, 1 (Jan.#1966), 36-45|)